Are you working for your heart? It works for you.

Jul 12, 2022

The purpose of the heart is pretty simple, deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove carbon dioxide and waste.  Truth is without oxygen, the tissues that make up our bodies would not be able to survive.  For that reason alone, heart health should be on your mind every day when it comes to making decisions about your diet, exercise and stress management.  But how often does the health of your heart cross your mind?  To better understand how hard, you should work for your heart, let's take a look at just how hard your heart works for you!

Does 100,000 sound like a big number?  That is the number of times your heart beats in a single day to provide your tissues with oxygen.  Throughout the course of your life, and if you commit to taking care of your heart, that number ends up looking like three BILLION!  Everyday your heart works tirelessly for you, pumping around 2000 gallons of blood to get the job of keeping you alive done.

If you took every artery, vein and capillary and lined them up end to end, they would be about 60,000 miles long.  Crazy!  Thats more than twice the circumference of the earth!  Want to know what's even crazier, your heart can circulate blood throughout that entire network in about 20 seconds.  Thats right, every minute your heart circulates your blood throughout your entire circulatory system, three times!

Now if your heart is working that hard for you, I am going to do my best to convince you that improving your diet, moving more, and managing your stress are three things that are the LEAST you could do to show a little love to an organ that loves you so much and works so hard to keep you alive.