Chronic Systemic Inflammation is the number ONE cause of DEATH!

Jan 20, 2023

Chronic systemic inflammation is the number one cause of death in the United States. It’s also the most common cause of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders like arthritis and lupus. The truth is that most doctors don't know a lot about it—and therefore aren't treating it effectively.

In my practice as a Functional Practitioner, I've found that more than 80 percent of my patients have some degree of chronic systemic inflammation—even though they may not yet be experiencing any symptoms (or know what those symptoms are).

For example, Leaky gut is a condition where the lining of your digestive tract becomes permeable, allowing toxins and undigested food particles to leak into your bloodstream. It's often caused by inflammation in the intestines. The effects can be serious: a leaky gut can cause food allergies, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis, mood disorders including depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  It also makes you more susceptible to infections—a major reason why chronic systemic inflammation is linked to so many health problems today!

To prevent leaky gut syndrome from happening in the first place: drink plenty of filtered water every day; eat whole foods (not processed ones); take probiotics daily if you're not already doing so; exercise regularly; meditate every day for at least 10 minutes (20 minutes will give even better results).

How about Leaky Brain Syndrome?!

The brain is the most important organ in your body, and its tissue can be severely damaged by chronic systemic inflammation. This means that many of your other health problems may be a result of leaky brain.  The symptoms associated with leaky brain include:

Memory loss,



Leaky brain is a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, which currently has no cure. You don't want this happening to you!

Ever heard of Leaky Heart Syndrome?

It isn't hard to see how leaky gut syndrome may lead to heart disease. The heart is a muscle—a muscle that requires oxygen in order to function properly. Our blood carries oxygen around our body, but only as long as our artery walls are healthy and intact. When these arteries are damaged and begin leaking, the blood flow becomes sluggish, causing muscles all over the body (including the heart) to suffer from lack of oxygen supply.

A healthy circulatory system allows for optimal delivery of nutrients and removal of waste products from all cells throughout your body. If you have leaky gut syndrome and chronic systemic inflammation, then your circulatory system will not be able to do its job effectively due to poor structure and function which leads directly into poor cellular health! This means that vital compounds like amino acids won't reach their destination (e.g., muscle cells), leaving them vulnerable against oxidative stress caused by ROS [reactive oxygen species]. And since oxidative stress causes increased production of free radicals like superoxide radical O2-, hydrogen peroxide H2O2 etc., this can lead directly into mitochondrial dysfunction which leads right back into yet another vicious cycle...

You guessed it...Leaky Liver Syndrome!!!

The liver is the body’s detoxification system. It also processes and metabolizes nutrients, which means it plays a vital role in your ability to burn fat. It’s also where hormones are produced, including estrogen (which can increase inflammation), testosterone (which can decrease inflammation) and DHEA (which has both anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory properties).

The liver produces proteins that regulate immune function, blood clotting and blood pressure levels as well as enzymes that help digest food. When the liver is inflamed Cholesterol, Triglycerides and glucose metabolism are all negatively affected.


Mitochondria are the power plants of our cells. They are responsible for supplying energy to all the activities that occur within our bodies, including thinking and breathing. Mitochondria are the main source of cellular oxygen, which is essential to many processes in the body, including metabolism and immune function.

Mitochondria also have their own DNA (known as mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA), which differs from nuclear DNA in that it is only passed down from mothers to offspring; it is not replicated when sperm fertilizes an egg cell, so each person has their own unique set of mtDNA inherited from mother’s ovum at conception. When the Mitochondria is subjected to prolonged inflammation damage occurs to the organelle and energy production is lowered.

What about Hormones?

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a complex set of hormone interactions that regulate the body’s response to stress. The HPA axis is involved in many physiological processes, including reproduction and metabolism. When you’re under stress, your body releases chemicals like cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline), which prepare you for action by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure so that you can react quickly if necessary. In addition to these “fight or flight” hormones, chronic systemic inflammation can also cause hormonal imbalances such as low sex drive or erectile dysfunction in men; irregular menstrual periods; decreased libido; hot flashes; hair loss; acne; diarrhea or constipation (or both); abdominal bloating around the waistline; kidney damage due to high blood pressure levels caused by inflammation leading up to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2).

What happens to your Immune system?

The immune system is a double-edged sword. In the right conditions, it can protect us from pathogens and other harmful invaders. But when the immune system becomes overactive, as in chronic systemic inflammation, it can damage our own tissues or fail to recognize them as healthy.

The immune system is designed to protect us from pathogens—bacteria and viruses that cause disease. It detects foreign substances in the body by looking for specific proteins on their surface called antigens (just like how your eye looks for green traffic lights). When an antigen enters your body, white blood cells (also called leukocytes) identify it as dangerous and attack by releasing enzymes into its surroundings that destroy it before it has a chance to do any harm! If you ever get a cut or scrape outside of your home—say, during a hike through the woods—your body’s protective response will kick in immediately via redness, swelling and pain at the site of injury until healing begins; this is part of our innate mechanism for fighting infections when they occur naturally outside of our control over time because most injuries don't heal overnight unless there's something preventing them from doing so such as being allergic.

Chronic Systemic Inflammation can send the immune system into overdrive causing allergies, asthma or worst-case scenario Autoimmunity.

Finally, The Musculoskeletal System.

The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, joints, muscles and tendons. Inflammation in the body can affect all these areas. Inflammatory joint disease causes pain and stiffness in the joints that may be mild to severe. 

Musculoskeletal symptoms that you should talk to your doctor about include:

Aching joints, muscles or muscle weakness

Tendonitis (pain at the point where a muscle attaches to bone) or bursitis (inflammation of fluid-filled sacs within joints)

 You probably believe inflammation is a good thing. But you're wrong. Inflammation is the body's response to injury or infection and it can be a good thing. But when the inflammatory response becomes persistent, it can cause serious damage to our bodies. Chronic systemic inflammation is linked to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and depression—and it's rampant in America today! The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that chronic systemic inflammation causes seven out of ten deaths in this country every year—that means if you don't do something about your chronic systemic inflammation now, you could be one of those seven people who die from it tomorrow!

Chronic systemic inflammation is the number one cause of death in the United States. It affects over 6 million people, and it’s on the rise. You can protect yourself from this silent killer by taking steps to control your risk factors and catch any symptoms early.