$99.00 USD

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The Neuro-Hormonal Reset Technology is designed to support healthy neurotransmitter and hormonal function without the memory, focus, mood or libido problems that are usually associated with imbalances.

  • DISCLAIMER: Neither these products, nor the statements made on this website about them are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    All the information presented here is meant for educational purposes only and not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.

    Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.

    The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.

    Neither, www.drdaponte.com nor Dr. Dennis DaPonte is providing any medical advice, and none should be inferred, from any ideas, suggestions, testimonials or other information set forth on this website or in email correspondence.